Monday, November 29, 2021

IELTS Academic Reading practice test - Academic Reading - section 1 practice test

Academic Reading - section 1 practice test

Answers in progress...

Preparation material

Various sources exist and the main one I used was the British Council resources:

Other blogs:
To be honest, while I appreciate the materials and advice on the other websites, I preferred to extend my learning coverage by also looking at other websites. So, while I share the sample answers as I would have tackled them, I will reference the other websites and blogs along the way. 

Please stay tuned! 

Sunday, November 28, 2021

My personal experience with learning English and passing the IELTS

Why did I need to do the IELTS?

Back in 2017, we were applying to immigrate to Canada. During the application process, they needed proof of our proficiency in English, despite me studying in the UK. Honestly, it's only for them to put a score for your proficiency on your application and the only way to quantify your level of English is through a test. 

How do I rate my level of English?

Bluntly, I would put it as 'good'. There are always better people at speaking English out there. I am only wanting to perpetuate what I was doing in HK and keep helping others wanting to study IELTS for their own reasons. 

What was my IELTS experience?

Photo courtesy of

We were staying in a busy neighbourhood in Hong Kong. The night before the test, we got woken up by renovation work from the neighbours. It was atrocious to be half asleep and go to do a test that I thought was redundant in the first place (Would you ask the Spanish to do a Spanish test when they leave Spain to settle in Colombia or Boliva or any Spanish speaking country?).

Basically, it's like being hangover and having to do an important test for your immigration and try to do well (because the more you score in your language ability, the more points you get when you do your Federal Express Entry ). So, it was not pleasant and the test environment was very formal as any other test (so, if you get butterflies in your stomach and need a toilet subscription, then, there you go...).

What helped?

I don't claim I would get a better score anyway, regardless of being half-asleep during the test or not. I can only claim that, at least, I had prepared for 3 weeks before the IELTS test and this helped. So, I want to help others prepare better so they do not have to get worried sick, like I did (despite preparing for 3 weeks). 

IELTS Academic Reading practice test - Academic Reading - section 1 practice test

Academic Reading - section 1 practice test Answers in progress...